
Christmas Opening Times

Christmas Opening Times: Oh yes!!!

Christmas/New Year Opening Days & Times:-


Monday 19th – Saturday 24th 10am-4pm (Sat 4:30pm)
Sunday 25th – Closed
Monday 26th – Closed
Tuesday 27th – Closed
Wednesday 28th – Saturday 31st – As usual

January 2023

Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd – Closed
Tuesday 2nd – back to the future (no normal, we’re back to normal)

Not sure about Sunday 18th, but you’ll hear it first and fastest here if we are!

Restocks and new bits!

Beaks up people! We have some nice restocks and new bits, including two games with cute plastic dinosaurs!!! Now there’s lovely for you.

Restocks and new bits are here!

Afternoon dodo fans!  Tis I Darwin everybody’s favourite dodo here with news of the promised restocks and new bits; and as Old Baldy left without his phone today, so no photos,  it’s been left to me to list them individually, so here I go. We now have Pier 18, 7 Wonders Duel, Takenoko, Gloom, Spyfall, Castle Panic, LLamaland, Rivals for Catan, Labyrinth the Movie Game, Snorta, Carcassonne and Love Letter.  That’s a long list for a dodo type.

Palin:  “Especially with your big feet!”

How very dare you!!!

Restocks and New Bits!!!

Beaks up folks! Here’s a photo of our latest collection of restocks and new bits. There may not be a lot, but they’re beautifully marked!!!

Restocks and new bits are coming!!!

Okay folks, beaks up! We have a pletofa… a plefota… an inordinate amount of new bits coming your way this week, including the latest Vaesen expansions. So keep those beaks to the wind, as you wouldn’t want to miss out!!!

Closed Friday 14th

Sorry folks but due to it being that certain time of year again Old Baldy will be off doing things this coming Friday, therefore we will be closed that day.