Sentinels of the Multiverse: Void Guard


Original price was: £18.99.Current price is: £16.99.



A new superhero team for your Sentinels game.

Doctor Medico: Fully formed of living energy, and his healing capabilities far outpace any of his medical knowledge.

A complexity 3 hero.

Mainstay: His home is the open road and as Mainstay he fights to keep that road safe. Now he wields his massive oblivion shard on the end of a chain.

A complexity 2 hero

The Idealist: A psychic hero, with the memory of her past wiped, who after she gained an oblivion shard saw those powers grow.

A complexity 3 hero

Writhe: A former bank robber, who needed the money to fund his research. He then joined the Sentinels after being defeated by them. After all he needed to get out of prison.

A complexity 2 hero.