Restocks coming in today. We have restocks of Colt Express, Takenoko, Red 7, Hobbit Love Letter and a full aray of Gloom expansions and main games, including Munchkin Gloom. And for the more serious gamer we have Neanderthal and Greenland making their debut today.
Hello everyone out there in internet land, Winifred here to let everybody know that we have lots and lots of new shiny dice. Some are so nice I’m tempted to have them myself. So pop up and see them, they’re really very pretty.
Re-stocks and new bits! Yes Dodo fans we have re-stocks and new bits, and there’s a few so here we go. New bits (for us) include Red Dragon Inn, Bad Medicine, Manhattan Project ‘Nations’, Suburbia 5* and Sentinels of the Multiverse Guise, Unity, Silver Gulch and extra tokens expansions. Re-stocks include all our existing Sentinels products, Village: Port, Fungi and Field of Glory.
We have loads of re-stocks and new bits including Marvel Dice Masters Amazing Spider-Man, YGO Dimensions of Chaos, Pokemon XY8 Break through, MTG Battle for Zendikar, X-Wing Rebel Aces, Saboteur and Saboteur 2 and finally Valley of the Kings.
New bits include Colt Express and Colt Express Horses & Stagecoach, 7 Wonders Duel and ‘drum roll please’ Ticket to Ride UK expansion! On the restocks 7 Wonders, Machi Koro Deluxe, and Thunderbirds are back, or is that go?.
New Bits and Re-Stocks+++New Bits and Re-Stocks+++Need Cake
Good morning dodo fans! Tis I Darwin, your favourite dodo here with news of some exciting additions both new and old to our stock.
When I say old I mean we’ve got them back in because we used to have them in stock to start with. When I say to start with I don’t mean we’ve had them in since e-Collectica started I mean they’re products we’ve been proud to make available to you for as long as they’ve been available and now they’re available again, I think.
Anyhoo we now have Tzolk’n and Tzolk’in Tribes and Prophecies, Polis, Tash-Kalar, PitchCars and PitchCars Mini plus Darkest Night and Anyways return to our shelves.
And there are even more exciting new bits coming tomorrow! So Keep those beaks to the wind for all the upcoming news.